WalletLink is an open protocol that lets users connect their mobile crypto wallets to your DApp.
Get startedUsers can now synchronize wallets to fix issues
Users can now validate wallets to rectify issues
End-to-end encryption using client-side generated keys keeps all user activity private.
No server deployments, no new library to learn. To integrate with WalletLink, all you need to do is drop these few lines to initialize a web3 object. WalletLink takes care of the rest. WalletLink is open-source and uses minimal dependencies for maximum security and no code bloat.
See WalletLink on GitHubimport WalletLink from "walletlink" import Web3 from "web3" export const walletLink = new WalletLink({ appName: "My Awesome DApp", appLogoUrl: "https://example.com/logo.png", darkMode: false }) export const ethereum = walletLink.makeWeb3Provider( "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/INFURA_API_KEY", 1 ) export const web3 = new Web3(ethereum)
“It's a no-brainer upgrade for the user experience.”
“Integrating WalletLink was super easy, and took us less than a day!”
“WalletLink makes accessing DeFi services secure and simple.”
WalletLink is an open protocol aimed at creating a better DApp experience for both users and developers. The WalletLink Mobile SDK will soon be available for wallet developers to add support for the WalletLink protocol to enable users to connect to WalletLink-enabled DApps on desktop browsers.
See Mobile Wallet SDK on GitHub